Perma Rite Plus #1 Wig Adhesive 1 oz & 5 oz Tube Soft Bond Adhesive Top Seller

$ 46.98 $ 62.99
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Perma Rite #1 is a soft bond adhesive which will not crystalize. Perfectly safe for skin contact.

It exceeds all industry standards within the Health Care Industry for quality control and testing (non-sensitizing, non-irritant and hypoallergenic).

Perma Rite #1 is a silicon-based formulation and can be removed with adhesive removing solvents. It is waterproof when completely dry and will last longer and not become gummy.

It is not resistant to oil secretions from the scalp. 

Note: Perma Rite #1 should only be used as a perimeter bond on the outer PU perimeter of your system and should never be applied to the lace base material.

1 oz tube FREE SHIPPING.